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How to fill the day during quarantine Part 2

Technology: I know there are so many parents that question the amount of time that their child is spending on technology... and I am sure now more then ever parents are struggling with what they need to get done during the day and keeping their children entertained.... I put together a few ideas of parents on how technology can be used to help connect and not divide in these times. Hope these help fill your days...

TV/ Movies: - Pic a show that you can watch one episode a day - Have a special movie time with all the pillows of the house in the living-room - Create different spice recipes for popcorn Good websites: - Pintrest (so many activity ideas that you can organize and keep) - Audible: to get books to listen together or to keep the occupied. I pad apps: 1) making your own puppet show - puppet palls, puppet palls 2 ( both free with payed add on features) 2) Making stop motion animation - Stop motion (free with add on features) 3) Animate anything from a drawing and a stuffed animal - puppetMaster (minimal cost) 4) (for physical activity) Childrens podcasts: There are a lot of Good childrens podcasts that they can listen to alone or together :

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